The life skills side of our curriculum has been inspired by the dimensions and indicators of the Gross National Happiness Index and include, amongst others, themes such as creativity, financial literacy, mindfulness, the spirit of learning and personal well-being.
The Living Legends life skills programme was first developed in 2010 and is continuously updated to ensure its relevance and to incorporate new developments and research findings.
The programme is aligned with the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH). It originated in the 1970s and represents a holistic approach to sustainable development where progress is seen as embedded in both economic and non-economic aspects of well-being. It is the Living Legends belief that happy people have a positive disposition from which they can further pursue their dreams and positively contribute to society.
GNH is often explained according to four pillars, namely good governance, sustainable socio-economic development, cultural preservation, and environmental conservation. These four pillars are classified into nine domains that form the point of departure for the Living Legends life skills programme. From these domains and their measurement indicators we have developed 10 themes, each representing a module within the complete programme. In the table below a summary of the Living Legends Life Skills programme can be found. The module themes, a brief description thereof and the relevant GNH domains are mentioned. In the descriptions the sub-themes and skills that are addressed as part of each module is also discussed.
Living Legends Life Skills theme
Brief theme description
GNH domains
Outcomes and Impact
Visionary thinking
The theme focuses on the importance of discovering your passions and envisioning your ideal future.
Sub-themes addressed include leadership, the global world we live in, the array of careers one can choose from or create and the importance of proactively pursuing your dreams and passions.
Appreciation of your own passions, the belief that your passions are worthy of pursuit, and awareness of future career possibilities and the global nature of the world.
Financial well-being
The theme focuses on the importance of financial well-being and literacy.
Sub-themes addressed include entrepreneurship and the importance of proactively thinking about and working towards the future you would like to enable for yourself.
Living standards
Knowledge of the components of positive financial behaviour and the importance of taking responsibility for your own financial well-being over the long-term.
Spirit of learning
The theme focuses on the importance of education and life-long learning.
Sub-themes addressed include the notion of “knowledge is power”, the importance of attending and completing school, and the positive impact of reading and creativity.
Adoption of a reading culture, belief in the positive power of education, and the conviction that gaining knowledge is an individual responsibility.
The theme focuses on the importance of personal well-being and self-care.
Sub-themes addressed include mental and physical health, healthy eating, safety and resilience.
Knowledge about what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, improved self-confidence, self-care and resilience.
The theme focuses on the importance of embracing a mindset of gratitude and appreciation.
Sub-themes addressed include adaptability, art, gender, cultural preservation, diversity, and an appreciation for the similarities and difference between people and ideologies.
Cultural diversity and resilience
An attitude of gratitude and appreciation, enabled by a greater knowledge about art and cultures different to your own.
The theme focuses on the importance of being connected with others and pursuing positive relationships as the backbone for community vitality.
Sub-themes addressed include empathy (from a design thinking perspective), respect, interpersonal skills, communication, teamwork, family and community.
Community vitality
Awareness of your world and its impact on your life (both positive and negative) – your family and home, neighbourhood, community, school, country. Improved communication and interpersonal skills.
Respect for time
The theme focuses on the importance of time-management.
Sub-themes addressed include timeliness, efficiency, planning and organising, and the importance of pursuing meaningful actions and activities.
Time use
Knowledge and adoption of time-management skills and mindful spending of your time.
The theme focuses on the importance of living a mindful and meaningful life.
Sub-themes addressed include personal branding, safe behavioural choices (online, alcohol, sex), awareness, emotional intelligence, emotional health, coping mechanisms, resilience and silence.
Psychological well-being
Mindful and positive opinions formed about yourself, others alcohol, sex and gender, along with the adoption of suitable coping mechanisms, ultimately resulting in greater resilience.
The theme focuses on the importance of making positive choices, considering possible consequences and taking responsibility for your actions.
Sub-themes addressed include ecological awareness, nature appreciation and conservation, and recycling.
Ecological diversity
Appreciation for nature and knowledge about the importance of protecting the environment
Value driven life
The theme focuses on the importance of clarifying your values and embracing a value-driven life.
Sub-themes addressed include equality, ethical choices and actions, and active (positive) citizenship.
Good governance
The desire to be a caring, kind, considerate, proactive and participative citizen.