Physical Education

The physical education side of our curriculum is CAPS compliant and focuses on a holistic approach to child development. The foundation phase component is based on Kinderkinetics sciences and focuses on the physical, motor, sensory and perceptual development of learners. The Intermediate programme focusses on the introduction to various sporting codes in a non-competitive and fun environment.

The Kinetix Physical Education program was developed with the aim of giving children exposure to a specialised form of movement development in group participation format. Our lessons are designed to deliver the best possible development opportunities for children taking part in the program. The program is developed and based on Kinderkinetics sciences and is also in line with the national CAPS curriculum.

The goal of the program is developmental milestone achievement and not sport development. We strongly believe that early sport specialisation is detrimental to long term athlete development, as children often skip vital milestone development, to achieve the necessary end skill mastery to participate in the sport.

The Kinetix programme offers age-appropriate skill development and covers aspects such as coordination, balance, rhythm, reaction time, agility, spatial orientation, laterality, midline crossing, midline dominance, strength and postural development. We also incorporate a lot of hand-eye coordination and ball skills into the lessons. Therefore, even though sport is not our aim, this program should be done in accordance with any sport development program at this age group.

The programme is practice-based and it is in a continuous cycle of development to stay current and offer the best possible development opportunities.